Red Worm or Night Crawler Harvester – $3,245.00*
*Machines shipping to countries with 50 Hz, 230V power standards are $3,545.00 because of the special order 1/3 Hp motor and non-standard wiring and mounting required. These countries include most far eastern and European countries as well as some South American countries.

Rapid Tamping Platform – $225.00

Additional screen carrier assembly w/chutes – $500.00

Additional pre-screening carrier assembly w/o chutes – $325.00.
Add $100.00 with Pre-screening panel for bedding, 1/2″ x 16 ga, powder coated baked enamel flat/expanded metal panel.
Quick insert screens $225.00
1.) 1/2 inch flattened expanded metal baked enamel screen. Full 48 inches.
2.) 1/4 inch perforated aluminum full 48 inches
3.) 1/8 inch perforated aluminum full 48 inches
4.) additional night crawler or redworm screen
We are happy to quote prices on special screen request like stainless steel, heavier gauge aluminum etc. All of our screens use staggered hole spacing but other perforations are available on special order. Screens can be sized to fit in other non standard screen frames and drop shipped from our supplier. Most parts on the Worm Shi*fter are non-proprietary and can be purchased locally or on line.
Business hours: Monday through Sunday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM EDT